
Velikovsky and the Forgotten Disaster

Velikovsky and the Forgotten Disaster Berlin · Sept. 2005 Uwe Topper topper A review of ImmanuelVelikovsky’s book, (1987): Mankind in Amnesia (transl. from the American by F. W. Gutbrod; Ullstein, Frankfurt / M. and Berlin) The book, published in the USA in 1982, three years after Velikovsky’s death, was described by the author himself as…


Swift and the Martian moons

Swift and the Martian moons How did Jonathan Swift get knowledge of the two tiny moons some 150 years before they were discovered by the means of a telescope? Berlin · 2007  Uwe Topper The two minute moons of Mars are quite known to everybody, they have sounding names: Phobos and Deimos. And the enigma of…


Stratigraphy and Chronology of Ancient Jerusalem

Stratigraphy and Chronology of Ancient Jerusalem Pertaining to his uninterrupted research in early history of the Near East and especially of ancient Mesopotamia laid out in his book „Die Sumerer gab es nicht“ (The Sumerians never existed, first edition: Frankfurt on Main 1988 (see Spanish review here); improved edition with actualized preface and English summary:…


Introduction to an article by Ursula and Franz Siepe in “Zeitensprünge” 1998 regarding the evolution of chronological development in the Italian Renaissance time

Introduction to an article by Ursula and Franz Siepe in “Zeitensprünge” 1998 regarding the evolution of chronological development in the Italian Renaissance time. deutsch english español français Berlin · 2014 Uwe Topper topper Siepe, Ursula und Franz (1998): „Wußte Ghiberti von der ‚Phantomzeit‘? Beobachtungen zur Geschichtsschreibung der frühen Renaissance“ in Zeitensprünge 2-98, S. 305-319 SiepeThe…


The Self-Deception of C-14 and Dendrochronology

The Self-Deception of C-14 and Dendrochronology How Dendrochronology Has Been Lulled into a False Sense of Security by an Urgently needed Auxiliary Science Christian Blöss / Hans Ulrich Niemitz Berlin · 1996 (See a longer German article as PDF-file: C14-Crash) First published (in German) in: ZEITENSPRÜNGE 8 (former VFG); 1996. 3. pages 361-389 Author’s note:…